Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011


Living in the Moment
By: Visuddhacara, "Drinking Tea Living Life"

Live in the moment
Savour it
Feel it
Its texture
Its experience
know it.

This moment counts
It's what is real
It's happening
right now
And you ought to be present
not far away
with your thought and imaginations

This moment is important
If you can live in it
stay with it
be content with it
there's little more
that needs to be done;
It's enough
and you'll delight
at the simplicity
and wonder of mindfulness.

In this moment
you can watch what you are doing
feel the action, the movements, the sensations;
you can watch
the stirring in the mind
the intentions and desires,
fears and imaginations,
sorrow and heartaches,
joy and happiness
and everything else;
All can be watched and known
in this moment,
and that is enough

Far, in this moment
you can be calm, and content,
queit and still,
and on their own
without your backoning,
wisdom and understanding come
together with love and compassion
and they grow
and they stay
and you know
there's little else
that needs to be done
'cept to stay
in the moment
in the present.

#Kutipan puisi, dengan alamat web : Terimakasih Thay.

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